If my product is a big hit, and I make a fortune, I will donate time, effort, and money to help mend whatever is awry in our planet Earth. The Earth's main problem is pollution, so that is mainly what I will focus on. Firstly, I will donate a large amount of money to help install solar panels on as many houses as possible in order to reduce pollution. Next, I will go out of my way to inflict hybrid cars on humans to decrease pollution as well. Then, I will help install air filters in offices and hotels all around the world in order to purify the air to reduce cases of sick building syndrome. In offices, there is usually more pollution than outside because of the poor ventilation and the added pollution of printers, tax machines, scanners... Finally, I will dedicate years of study with the worlds top engineers to create a machine that filters the air outside so that factories won't be as harmful as they are today.
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