Saturday, October 24, 2009

Text Book Reading PG. 89-95

Textbook Reading pg. 89-95

1) Describe the debate over the nature of government. Compare the viewpoints of Jefferson vs. Hamilton.
It didn’t end when the Americans gained a new constitution and a new government in the late 1790’s. It continued throughout and even after George Washington’s administration. In Secretary of Treasury’s, Alexander Hamilton, view the government should take an active role in directing the development of the American Economy. Jefferson believed in a local government, the administration of a particular, town, county or district, with representatives elected by those who live there. Jefferson won because he as well as his followers believed that risking too much liberty was better than to suffer from too much government.
2) What is a political party?
A political party is a group of people who seek to win elections and hold public office in order to control government policy and programs.
3) Describe John Adam’s presidency. What were some of the difficulties he faced?
He lacked the respect and appreciation that George Washington gained. He faced the difficult task in leading a young country in which party differences grew larger every day. He also faced the risk with war against France. The French were upset about Jay’s Treaty with the British and seized all American ships in French harbors. Trying to avoid a war, John Adam’s sent American officials down to France to try and reason with the revolutionary government.
4) Outline the key events of Jefferson’s presidency.
On March 8, 1801, Jefferson became the president of the United States of America. Jefferson worked with the Congress on reducing taxes and cut the size of the federal government. Also he reduced the army to about 3,000 men. Jefferson did not undo all of the Federalists’ acts. For example he let the Bank of the United States continue to function knowing that its term would be terminated in 18011. These features of Jefferson’s presidency made him an excellent President during his first term and he easily won his reelection in 1804. Jefferson had to face the Judiciary Act of 1801, which increased the number of federal judges. This angered Jefferson because he believed in choosing judges from his own party. Jefferson was leading America when Jay’s Treaty, which stated America’s peace with Great Britain, expired in 1805. Europeans were at war with each other and both British and French warships harassed American trading ships. The British also kidnapped American soldiers to serve in their navy. Jefferson did not resort to violence partially because of his small size of the American navy. He passed an act that outlawed almost all trade with foreign countries; they named it Embargo Act of 1807 because an embargo is a restriction on trade. After James Madison was elected in 1808, Jefferson retired to his home in Monticello.

1 comment:

  1. Full and complete answers. Nice. One question... in number one you start with "it". What is "it"?


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